NLPOA Southern Nevada Chapter History
By: Antonio Rodriguez, Chapter President
On April 20, 1988, the NLPOA Clark County Las Vegas Chapter was chartered in Southern Nevada and former City of Las Vegas Detention and Enforcement employees were members of that chapter.
On August 11, 2011, founding member Antonio Rodriguez created the NLPOA Southern Nevada Chapter and this chapter was chartered by the National Latino Peace Officers Association Executive Board. The NLPOA Southern Nevada chapter became the second chapter authorized in Southern Nevada. (L) Miguel Chavez VP and Antonio Rodriguez, President and Chapter Founder. Not pictured, Rafael Gil, parliamentarian, Felipe A. Ortiz, treasurer, and YannisGiron, secretary. Welcome to all of our new 2017-2018 members. We hope you take fulladvantage of what our association has to offer to your success in your career and make our familia strong.